PSCHE Intent
PSHCE (Physical, Social, Health, Careers and Economic Education) is taught to all KS3 and 4 pupils for one hour a fortnight. Across the year, students cover a range of topics within the three core areas of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World as advised by the PSHE Association.
The aim of the subject is to allow students to explore issues that are relevant to them; to help equip them with the knowledge and personal skills to be successful in the wider world. British Values and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural themes are intrinsic to the subject, and require the students to empathise with and consider others’ backgrounds, opinions and challenges. Sex and Relationship Education is explored as part of the PSHE Curriculum.
Any queries regarding PSHCE can be directed to the tutor, or Miss L Jones (Assistant Headteacher)
Long Term Plans
Long Term Plans for PSHCE can be downloaded here.