Enrichment and Student Leadership

Whilst we recognise that academic excellence is important to strive for, Sixth Form life at Chellaston Academy is so much more than just lessons in the classroom.

Student Leadership

There are a wide variety of student leadership opportunities for our students, including Head and Deputy Head Student positions as well as academic and wellbeing prefects. These positions are highly sought after as they look to drive positive change within the school. There is also a school council which Sixth Form representatives often lead.

Our Sixth Form students also support the Academy by offering peer to peer support for our lower years and are involved in paired reading with younger students who need additional support. They also act as mentors in certain subjects for our Year 11 students.


We are incredibly excited to be able to timetable, once a fortnight, a period of Student Enrichment. Enrichment for our Year 12 and 13 students includes sessions on Basic First Aid, Cooking on a Tight Budget, Stress Management Techniques, Preparing for Independent Living, Debating and much more. We strongly believe that part of our role as educators is to ensure that students leave us with more than an academic education and through these sessions, our students develop skills that they can apply throughout their time with us and beyond.

Personal, Social, Health and Careers Education

As part of our commitment to Personal Development, and as part of our vision to enable students to leave us as mature, confident well rounded, global citizens, we believe that PSHCE. is more important than ever before. We provide opportunities for students to learn about the world around them and ensure that they can understand, and question, themes and issues that are important and challenging to all of us.

Built into every student’s timetable is one hour lesson, per fortnight, which focuses on relevant and contemporary topics such as Equality and Diversity, Relationship and Sex Education, Health and Well Being, Safe and Positive Relationships, and The Wider World. The dedicated time to these topics allows students to form their own opinions and belief systems, whilst being accurately informed about the facts. Students are taught in the supportive context of tutor groups and are signposted to further support should they require.

Extra Curriculum

Sport, music and drama all play an important role at our Academy and there are opportunities for all students to be involved in sports teams, music concerts and drama productions throughout the year.  Sixth Formers also have access to the school gym at designated times. We are also very lucky to have a number of residential trips within and outside of the UK to support the curriculum. In the last few years we have had trips to China, Uganda, Poland, Cern and New York. Students will also be able to continue with their Duke of Edinburgh qualification or get involved in Sixth Form Debating.