The Extended Learning Department consists of a team of dedicated, experienced and warm staff who are committed to meeting pupils’ individual needs.

The department has high expectations of pupils and promotes a positive ethos which builds on their strengths. The Academy’s SENCo is Mr Alex Grant.

The department work closely with all staff to provide a whole school approach to learning support.

Getting in touch

Communication is a key part of effective provision. It is vital that close links are made with guardians so that our pupils fulfill their potential. Please never delay in getting in contact with the department.

Supporting Your Child

Literacy keywords

Access Arrangements for Examinations

The department are keen to ensure that no learner is at a disadvantage in their formal examinations and assessments if they are in need of access arrangements, such as a scribe, reader, enlarged or modified papers or extra time. All Awarding Bodies for examinations have their own set of available concessions and we ensure that any request for access arrangements for individuals is represented accurately by the school. Ultimately, however, the decision is made by the Awarding Body overseeing the examination.  If a learner is in need of concessions, there is an expectation that we can demonstrate this is their usual way of working before a concession is likely to be granted.


SEND Information Report

SEND Information Report