Connect is our onsite alternative provision for KS3 and KS4 students with social emotional or mental health (SEMH) needs, who are struggling to access our mainstream setting.

Connect offers a safe space and a family ethos where routines, mutual respect and unconditional positive regard are at the heart of everything we do.

We work in collaboration with key mainstream staff, families and outside agencies, to help to identify barriers to learning and start to address some of the possible causes of negative patterns of behaviour. The curriculum is modified with small group sizes of in each key stage and the equivalent of two full time learning mentors as well as the Connect leader, Mrs Grimwood (Assistant Headteacher).

Each young person is treated individually and depending on circumstance, some students will attend the provision for a short period of time (minimum of 6-12 weeks) and are then reintegrated back into their mainstream lessons. Some students may receive all their lessons in Connect, where staff from both Connect and main school deliver the lessons, and some will have a blended curriculum where they go back into the main school setting for some lessons and spend the rest of their time with us.

We offer individual and group interventions in Emotional Literacy, ZOR, social stories as well as numeracy and literacy. In addition to academic studies, students learn Life skills such as First Aid, cooking, writing CV’s and applying for jobs. Students also have a one-hour intervention with Think For The Future (TFTF) each week.


Curriculum Intent

The intent of the Curriculum at Connect is first and foremost about relationships. Our intent is to connect with the young people to engage young people in the learning process. Students accessing Connect often come with a host of SEMH challenges which have led to gaps in learning and a narrative surrounding their behaviour rather than them as individuals. We want to seek to change the narrative, “connect the dots” and start to address some of the possible causes of negative patterns of behaviour or source the support required for the young person to realise their potential.

Our vision and ethos

Our learners often have gaps in their knowledge and understanding because they have experienced disruption to their schooling and become disengaged. We support our students to feel heard and understood so they can develop the skills to overcome obstacles and see the value of education

We believe in a trauma informed approach to behaviour management and aim to develop a greater self-awareness in the social and emotional aspects of students learning. Staff in Connect and visiting teachers are encouraged to look beyond behaviour and to be curious about our student’s needs. Personal Development is central to the work done in Connect.


Our values are the same as in main school where we expect integrity, Care and excellence from our learners and in turn they will receive the same from staff in Connect.

  • Integrity
  • Care
  • Excellence


Curriculum offer (2023-24)

Our curriculum enables students to overcome barriers, re-engage in learning and develop the skills required to successfully reintegrate back into the mainstream setting.  Class sizes are small.

At Key Stage 3, we offer English, Maths, Science, Humanities as well as opportunities for personal development including in PE, Music, Outdoor learning and PSCHE. We run small nurture groups and interventions in Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy.


KS3 Curriculum






KS4 Curriculum

At KS4 we offer a core curriculum of English Language, Maths and Science, PSHCE, PE and various interventions including Numeracy, Literacy, Art, Music and individual and group interventions. Students also get time on their timetable for independent studies where they are supported with their coursework or any homework from main school blended lessons.

Half termly careers talks supports students to go onto post 16 courses. Additional afterschool support is available to young people most nights up to 4pm unless staff are attending meetings or training.







Behaviour expectations

  1. Be Safe – All staff, students and visitors need to feel safe at Connect both physically and emotionally making a safe space one of the most important things we seek to create together.
  2. Be Ready to Learn – Be punctual to school/dress appropriately/phones locked away.
  3. Be Kind – Use appropriate language/listen to others/Respect others, the building and equipment.


Staffing in Connect:

Staff nameRole
Mrs K. GrimwoodAssistant Headteacher – Connect Leader, Alternative provision, BTEC Quality Nominee
Mrs C. KowalczukPart time Inclusion Learning mentor/Key worker (4 days a week; Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday)
Mrs E. KentPart time Inclusion Learning mentor/Key worker (2 days per week; Tuesday/Thursday)
Miss I. SmithPart time Inclusion Learning mentor/Key worker (3 days per week; Monday/Wednesday/Thursday)
Miss T. SprayPart time Inclusion Learning mentor/Key worker (Friday)


Attendance and Punctuality

Key Points for parents/carers


  • Pupils should attend school unless there is a valid medical reason or appointment.
  • Parents/carers should contact the absence line and Mrs Grimwood at the start of the day if a pupil is going to be absent.
  • Parents/carers will receive a text if no call/message is received, as a reminder to contact school.
  • Absence levels that cause concern or appear to follow a pattern will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer.
  • Pupils should arrive to school on time and ready to learn.