We are delighted to announce exceptional GCSE results at Chellaston Academy. These results are underpinned by strong partnerships between students, teachers and parents/carers. Huge credit must go to our incredible students, who have seized every opportunity for success and have continued to strive for excellence despite the challenges of a global pandemic over the last two years of their studies.
Ryan Metters, Chellaston Academy Headteacher, said: “We are immensely proud of all of our Year 11 students and their outstanding results, especially after such a difficult and disrupted two years of their GCSE studies. Faced with challenges aplenty, they have demonstrated that they are extremely resilient, and they have embraced both the academic and wellbeing support on offer to elicit these successes. Credit must also go to parents and carers for nurturing their children through this difficult period and to our talented teachers and educational support professionals, who have been so skilful in helping our young people to achieve these outstanding results. The majority of our students are staying with us in our Sixth Form, and we have record-numbers who will start post-16 studies with us in September, including the highest numbers ever who have applied from other schools/colleges. We also have students who are going on to exciting apprenticeships, employment and training programmes with other institutions and we wish every single one of them success in the future.”
There have been scores of students who have achieved the very highest grades in multiple subjects. For example, Louisa Reay secured superb GCSE grades in Business Studies 9, Sociology 9, Combined Sciences 9, French 9, History 9, English Language 9, English Literature 9 and Mathematics 8. Madeleine Wigley achieved excellent grades in Mathematics 9, Art 9, Computer Science 9, French 9, Combined Science 9/8, English Language 8, English Literature 8 and History 8. Rachel Boddey secured top grades in Mathematics 9, Combined Science 9, French 9, English Language 9, English Literature 9, Geography 9, Art 9 and PE 8. Joe White secured high grades in English Language 9, Geography 9, Art 9, Combined Science 9/8, Mathematics 8, French 8, English Literature 8, and Drama 8. Olivia Perry secured English Language 9, English Literature 9, Geography 9, Business Studies 8, Mathematics 8, Combined Science 8, French 8 and PE 8. Nathan Hubball performed brilliantly in English Language 9, English Literature 9, History 9, Sociology 9, Philosophy 9, Mathematics 8 and Combined Sciences 8/7 and James Ashie-Kotey achieved excellent grades in Mathematics 9, History 9, Computing 9, Music 9, English Literature 9, English Language 8, French 8 and Combined Science 8/8.
This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. The government is not publishing performance data for any schools or colleges this year due to the varying impact of the pandemic.
Whilst the majority of students are continuing their education at Chellaston Academy Sixth Form, several are taking up apprenticeships in mechanical engineering, law, digital marketing and construction with organisations such as Severn Trent, Toyota, and Rolls Royce.
The Chair of Governors at Chellaston Academy, Sandra Fletcher said: “The Governors would like to congratulate the students and to thank the teachers for their hard work. This has been a year of great change in the exam system and students and staff have had to adapt to these changes. We are so pleased to see that the results are so strong and that the students have high aspirations and are securing their intended next steps in terms of education, employment or training.”
Thank you to our former students at Project D who supplied free ice cream to everyone who collected their result today. We could not be prouder of our Year 11 students, their families and our fantastic teachers. It really is a triumph of partnerships and working together!
Mr Metters
Chellaston Academy
A Special Message from Mr Metters to our outgoing Year 11 students
Mr Metters has a special personal message for all of our Year 11 students, and this has also been published in their Year 11 Leavers Yearbook:
You will always be remembered as the young people who showed such incredible resilience and fortitude in our school community.
If there is one thing however that the last couple of years can teach us, it is that we should never take anything, or anyone for granted. Even coming into school every day and seeing one another, being in a routine. Over the last few weeks, we have really missed you. We have missed your collective energy, uniqueness, and brilliance. In a funny way, we are also missing some of the qualities that used to really push our buttons as well!
Change is difficult to comprehend at the best of times, even with prior warning, so we have all, I think, spent the last months gradually processing just what is happening. You have all coped so admirably. You have been calm, mature and receptive despite the huge uncertainties that you have faced.
As a year group, you are all so unique but you now all have more in common than any of you ever imagined. Know that as our outgoing Year 11 Class of 2021, we are all so proud of the young people that you have become whilst you have been with us at Chellaston Academy. We want you to continue to be brilliant young people and most importantly, decent human beings, in all you do. Strive to be the best you can be, most importantly for yourselves, but also for those that do and that will care about you the most in your lives.
Some of you will be with us in the Sixth Form, and we are so looking forward to seeing you again. Some of you are moving on to new ventures that are right for you, either in different schools, colleges, apprenticeships or jobs. If this applies to you, please know that we wish you all the best for the future. Whichever area it is that you choose to pursue next, keep in mind, as I mentioned earlier, that we at Chellaston Academy are still amongst those that care about you the most. Some of you may be feeling overwhelmed and daunted by the present and what that may mean for you in the future. Please know and remember that we are and will always be here to support and guide you, should you wish, over the next few months and years. Please do stay in touch.
You are an inspiring group of young people and I sincerely hope that despite the way things have turned out for you this academic year, you know that you and we will all find a way through this. Challenges in life, however hard they may seem at the time, will inevitably make us all stronger. They also compound for us further what is so important and what type of people we need and want to be in the future. Thank you for being my first Year 11 group as Headteacher at Chellaston Academy. It has been a real privilege to know you. I have thoroughly and genuinely enjoyed your company. I love your opinions (well most of them anyway), your minds, your creativity and your humour. Don’t ever lose your humour.
Look after yourselves and one another. With every good wish to you all for the future. And please do remember, if you can dream it, you are already half-way there…
Mr Metters
Chellaston Academy