Back in January, we reported that we had received a national attendance award from Fischer Family Trust who monitor the attendance of 10,500 schools nationally. Not only did we get into the top 25% schools for attendance nationally, we also got into the top 25% for similar* schools. (*This is based on percentage of students eligible for Free School Meals).
This week, the FFT informed us that we have once again received an award for being in the top 25% of schools for national attendance, but are now also in the top 10% for similar schools!
We strive to work with families to reduce any barriers in their child attending school, and we have so much support available that many of our children benefit from. A reminder that our target is 95%, and below 90% is considered to be ‘persistent absence’. As always, if you are experiencing difficulties in your child attending school, then please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s Deputy/Head of Year and form tutor.