Psychology Intent
Psychology is a subject that gives an understanding of how to function effectively in the real world; to understand why we behave as we do and how to communicate and work with others in wider society. In Psychology, we aim to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all students, regardless of starting points, e.g. whether students have studied GCSE Psychology or not, the latter being the case at Chellaston Academy. We intend that students will develop confidence in a new subject at A-Level and thrive on their love of learning.
A specification driven intention is that students will develop an ability to understand, apply, analyse, evaluate and discuss psychological terms, concepts, research studies and explanations/approaches of human behaviour; students will apply knowledge and understanding of material covered to real-life behaviours and learn to critically analyse the credibility of theories and research studies examined. We will provide opportunities for an enriched understanding and appreciation of the subject by starting to integrate key issues and debates surrounding human behaviour; this should lead to a respect for all through deeper compassion and empathy for the diverse behaviours displayed by others and the wealth of issues experienced.
Students will develop comprehension skills in listening and reading to a level where they are able to understand psychological terms and concepts. In writing, students will develop a working knowledge of how to structure answers to meet the AQA specification examination requirements, in topic areas such as: Approaches, Biopsychology, Psychopathology, Research Methods, Social Influence, Memory, Attachment, Issues and Debates, Schizophrenia, Aggression and Gender. Psychology can therefore lead to any occupation that involves working with or caring for others. More specifically, one can specialise in many areas and become: a Teacher, a Lecturer, an Educational Psychologist, a Counselling Psychologist, a Therapist, a Clinical Psychologist, a Criminal or Forensic Psychologist, a Sports Psychologist or an Occupational Psychologist, to name a few professions.
Throughout their learning journey, students will have the opportunity to develop literacy, mathematical and science-based knowledge and skills, the knowledge acquired in GCSEs will be highly relevant to studying Psychology. Students will learn how to pay attention to detail, solve problems, analyse beyond face value, think ‘out of the box’. The skills learnt will enable students to enter the world beyond Chellaston Academy as a good citizen and a perceptive, adaptive and valued employee.
If you require any further information, please contact the Head of Subject via the link on our Contact Us page.