Thank you for your patience over the last couple of weeks with regards to our online payment system.

We are pleased to be able to inform you that the switch from Wisepay to ParentPay is now complete. The catering account balances from Wisepay have now transferred to ParentPay and you should see that figure now when logging into your ParentPay account. If you also had balances related to other items, such as trips or classroom sales, then these will be transferred over the course of next week.

When you are logged into your ParentPay account, you will now see that the QEGSMAT: School Meals for Chellaston Academy category is live. This is where your transferred catering balance will show. When you make future top-ups to your account, the money is added to your basket and ready to assign to the relevant category. If you had made top-ups prior to the Wisepay balance transfers, you will now need to assign that to the catering category before the amount will be available to your child at the tills.

Extra help and support with this process is available from this ParentPay support page –

However, if you need further help or guidance, then please contact us at

Thank you again for your patience and understanding during this transfer process.