SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural) Education at Chellaston and British Values

We believe that pupils should be able to feel that they are part of something bigger. As well as creating our own community, they are part of a local, national and global community. We want our pupils to explore what it means to be part of modern Britain. We would like pupils to be able to articulate and understand these values and to see them everywhere in our Academy Culture.  We spent time specifically engaging with them at the start of the year in Assemblies and The Student council and then aim for them to permeate our pastoral programme, our relationships protocols, awareness days and conversations with young people. We also explore them in a vast array of subject areas throughout our curriculum.

INDIVIDUAL LIBERTYWe believe individuals should be able to make their own choices (within reason) have freedom of speech, the right to a fair investigation, the right to understand consent, the right to have their own opinions and their basic human rights.Our assemblies including -Protected characteristics, PSHCE curriculum, Identity and Sexuality, relationships protocols. Student action groups. UN Childrens Rights.
DEMOCRACYWe believe that everyone should have the opportunity to contribute and vote for those who represent them. We believe decisions should be made with the majority of student’s interests at heart.Derby Youth Mayor votes, Student Council, Assemblies, surveys and you said / we did actions.
RULE OF LAWWe believe in rules being followed and reparation being done when we make mistakes. We believe in understanding the consequences of our actions. We believe rules and laws are there for everyone’s protection and safety.Relationships protocols, PSHCE curriculum, wider world / in the news  –Online Safety and Law, Assemblies
RESPECTWe believe that everyone and everything should be given respect equally. We believe you should be listened to. We believe in treating people fairly.Assemblies, respect of site and each other, Care Value, Remembrance, relationships, rewards.
TOLERANCEWe believe in equality.

We are against discrimination.

We believe in using a variety of examples when we talk about people.

Not just ‘tolerant’ but to be embracing of different faiths and cultures. Black History Month, Holocaust memorial, RE curriculum, PSHCE curriculum, Assemblies, awareness days, culture days.
How does the academy address SMSC and BV?


Whole school


What happens?How do you know?


Next steps:
The three school values – Integrity Care Excellence. Integrity is first.


Pupils are reminded to show our academy values

There is some values education at start of each year

Pupils are rewarded for showing this with our mindset/ reward points.


Academy branding

Mindset points awarded

BAM/ reflection time


Using school council
The Chellaston Charter character development toolPupils reflect on this as part of the Chellaston Charter. In the student planner there is a space to record achievements, how values have been expressed and co curricular / PD activity.Charter pages in plannerMonitoring the use of the Charter and allowing time for meaningful reflection and targeting setting with a tutor.

Moving it online to the unifrog platform.

Our assembly and weekly tutor time programme.


The assembly rota is mapped to the value / SMSC /BV and sent to HOY’S and SLT at the start of the year.

Assemblies are delivered to pupils weekly in a theme or topic – collectively together



Weekly schedule includes motivation / mindfulness, BAM (Behaviour Attendance Mindset), Reading and a wider world debate or quiz engaging pupils with the world around them.


Assembly rota and archive of video assemblies





Tutor sessions, HOY emails, the tutor schedule template.


Involve student voice/ council further on Assembly topics and National days to be celebrated


Ensure more rigour with 6th form

Charity Acts – Social responsibilitySchool works with local and National charities and provide assemblies about where money might go to and how spent



Monies paid in

Social media posts

Get some local charities of the year / term to show more ongoing commitments and creative ways of fundraising
Derby Youth Mayor  – democracyWe take part in the process whereby students apply to be the mayor, watch candidates’ election speeches, vote in ballot boxes to experience the process and see the results of their votes.

4 Pupils represent us at Voices in Action – Derby City

Ballot pictures and comms with Derby city

8 applicants and 1 semi-finalist this year

Continue with this, GET MORE APPLICANTS
Student council and prefects


Student leadership team

Pupils meet in year groups and elect two reps to attend the full school council termly with JNE and student leadership team. Represented at SLT.


Prefects do acts of service at fundraisers and lunchtime duty


Student leaders develop communication and events around school. Wellbeing ambassadors promote mental health.


Student leaders are trained to act safely and responsibly.

Minutes of meetings and ‘you said / we did / you could’ documentsGet some more staff involved to support this


Lunchtime duty to be reviewed


Student leaders in other year groups  to be expanded


PSHCE lessonsProtected characteristics education

Wide range of topics covering individual liberty, tolerance and mutual respect.

Disability / Sexuality / Sexism / Racism/ Faith / Age / Maternity / Gender bias / Gender reassignment

Rule of law – included in topics eg Joint enterprise, drugs, extremism. ‘Where does the law come in?’ is often asked as a question. What is legally vs morally right?

Planning for PSHCE – Half term 4 in particular – Prejudice strand


QA focus group chats

Increase the team, consistency and engagement with PSHCE


Protected characteristics training for staff to be updated and displayed in the main building.

Co – curricular programmeArray of clubs and activities to get involved in

Eco club

DUKE OF Edinburgh – volunteering

Cultural opportunities

Trips and Visits


Activity and trip logs / registers, school newsletterTo build even more opportunities for young people.
Relationships protocols and rewards