Mental Health


For more information & support regarding mental health and wellbeing, please follow the links below:

Wellbeing Support and Guidance

This is a Derby and Derbyshire specific site that pulls together a whole range of resources for both children and parents/carers to support young people’s Mental Health and Wellbeing. There are links to videos, apps and websites of support, alongside referral pathways if you need external involvement too. Please click the link below:

Anxiety – advice and guidance

This booklet is a resource to give you some information about:

  • What anxiety is
  • How to spot the signs
  • Tips for parents
  • Tips for young people
  • Where you can find more help

You may find this useful in the build up to exams.  You can download this by clicking here, or by clicking the image opposite.

You may find the two factsheets below useful.  They provide information regarding anxiety and mental health.

Understanding Anxiety Fact Sheet 1

Understanding Anxiety Fact Sheet 2

Teenage Depression

Depression isn’t exclusive to adults – it can affect anyone.  The persistent and long-lasting unhappiness characterising depression can have an enormous impact on how a young person thinks, behaves and feels.

This resource from Priory’s Group Associate Medical Director and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Dr Hayley van Zwanenberg explains the common causes of depression, the signs that your teenager may be suffering and what can you do to help them.

For more information and support, please visit the Priory Group’s Young People’s Services page here.