Programme of Study

Chellaston Academy Study Programme 2024-25

Academic Courses

At Chellaston Academy we pride ourselves on providing a broad range of Academic and Vocational qualifications for our students. In addition to the more traditional A Level courses that we run, we also offer an exciting range of BTEC and Cambridge Technical qualifications, all of which are suitable and substantial qualifications that stretch students and prepare them for education at the next level or for employment.

In addition to this, all students in Year 12 will study either EPQ; a project based qualification which allows students to show a depth of study in one particular area of their studies which in turn enhances their UCAS and job applications, or Core Maths; a qualification which enables students to improve their knowledge of Maths and understand how to apply it in the real world.

GCSE English and Maths

We use 100% of the 16 to 19 tuition fund we receive from the ESFA on staffing costs to provide the following support.

For those students who have not yet achieved a GCSE grade 4 in English and Maths, we provide a bespoke package of support to help them achieve these important grades.

This programme includes, but is not limited to,

  • Small group tutorials with subject specialists. These are lessons added to the normal timetable with a Maths or English teacher focusing on the key skills required to achieve a grade 4.
  • A dedicated subject specific mentor who is the point of contact for all support from the department.
  • Invitation to intervention sessions tailored carefully to the subject specific weakness of each student.
  • Complete access to all Year 11 revision materials including remote webinars, additional revision sessions, walking talking mocks and exam papers.

Non Qualification Activity

We are incredibly proud of the enrichment and development opportunities we offer our students as part of our curriculum. All of which are designed to prepare them for employment, and give them rich set of experiences that teach students why it is important to contribute actively to society.

All students study once a fortnight, a period of Student Enrichment.

Enrichment for our Year 12 and 13 students includes sessions on Basic First Aid, British Sign Language, Financial Awareness, Cooking on a Tight Budget, Stress Management Techniques, Preparing for Independent Living, Debating and much more. We strongly believe that part of our role as educators is to ensure that students leave us with more that an academic education and through these sessions, our students develop skills that they can apply throughout their time with us and beyond.

We also provide a rich curriculum of student development through form and PSHCE time where we focus on students’ character, broader skills, attitudes and confidence, all supporting progression to whatever next step a student wants to take. This includes personal finance, mental health support and important elements of PSHCE education including the understanding of healthy relationships through appropriate relationship and sex education. In addition to this, Year 12 students study an A Level Mindset package that supports them with the transition from Year 11 into Year 12.

In addition to this package, we offer enrichment in the form of:

  • Student senior leadership team
  • KS5 prefects and team meetings (wellbeing or subject focused) including mentoring for The Chellaston Charter
  • KS5 Debating Club
  • School Council (form representatives)
  • Duke of Edinburgh Awards
  • Subject clinics within curriculum areas
  • Senior Maths Challenge
  • Medicine Programme and Oxbridge Programme tailored to those students aiming at achieving places on Medicine course, or applying to Oxford or Cambridge Universities
  • Mini-Medical Interviews (MMIs)
  • Access to full school gym
  • School performances and productions
  • Extended work experience opportunities
  • A range of charitable activities
  • Cultural visits
  • Business interviews
  • Subject specific reading lists

Next Steps Support

Every student has one lesson every fortnight, dedicated solely to Next Steps support. These are led by our careers lead, Mrs Shillingford and supported by tutors and other teaching staff. These sessions will educate the students as to the options they have, as well as guiding students through the operational processes, skills and knowledge required for their desired pathway, including personal statement writing, interview techniques, how to find and apply for an apprenticeship and UCAS application.

We hold a careers fayre in the Summer term where local employers give our Year 12 students real life encounters with the world of work. In addition to this every Year 13 student will have an employee engagement experience, often in the form of an interview with a local business person. We encourage students to pursue work experience.

Students are exposed to a range of post 18 pathways as part of the tutor programme as well as through curriculum areas. The Form Tutor plays an integral part in supporting students with the application process and next steps.