QEGSMAT Governance Structure


The Trust consists of five Members who are very similar to shareholders in a normal company. They are often considered as the custodians of the Trust and act as a ‘check and balance’ on the performance of the multi-academy trust. The Members have the power to appoint or remove trustees, amend the Articles of Association and, if necessary, wind up the multi-academy trust. To ensure robust accountability within our governance structure the Members are independent of the Trust Board. The Members will meet as often as is necessary to carry out their duties, but at least on an annual basis.


The Trust Board

The Trust Board has overall responsibility and accountability to the Department for Education (DfE) for the performance of the Trust, including: educational results; attendance; exclusions; admissions; staffing; finance; premises; curriculum; well-being and safeguarding; and reporting requirements to the DfE, the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted). The Trust Board has two sub-committees to assist them, namely the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee and the Performance Committee.  Each committee operates with its own set of terms of reference. The sub-committees will meet as often as is necessary, but at least three times per year. (Previous to 2020/2021 the Trust Board had a Primary Phase and Secondary Phase Committee.  The decision was taken to move to one Committee, namely the Performance Committee, to enable the best use of knowledge and areas of skills within the Trust Board).


The Performance Committee

The Performance Committee is responsible for monitoring staff recruitment, retention and performance and for reviewing data on the progress and attainment of all academies within the Trust.  Safeguarding also falls under its responsibility.

  • Phil Stanyer (Chair)
  • Sue Hall
  • Keith Wesley
  • Hereward Tresidder
  • Sara Forsyth


The Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

The Finance, Audit and Risk Committee is responsible for providing financial scrutiny, oversight and assurance on behalf of the Trust Board over the suitability of, and compliance with, its financial systems and operational controls.  It also has responsibility of ensuring risks are adequately identified and managed.

  • Hereward Tresidder (Chair)
  • Phil Stanyer
  • Tim Collis
  • Nick Moore
  • Anne Martin



Local Governors

Local Governors are established for each academy where appropriate. The Governors carry out the Trust’s vision, policies and priorities and engage with the academy’s key stakeholders (students, parents, staff and members of the community). Their role is to support and challenge and to seek assurances on behalf of the Trust Board in regard to academic performance and quality of care and provision for their academy. They are responsible for making decisions by way of the powers delegated to them by the Trust Board in accordance with the terms of reference and Scheme of Delegation.

Chellaston Academy Local Governing Board (LGB)

As part of QEGSMAT the Chellaston Academy LGB work and make decisions according to the Trust Board Scheme of Delegation


Scheme of Delegation


The DfE state that governors have three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent


Chellaston Academy LGB



Contacting Governors.

Governors can be contacted via these email addresses:

Register of Business Interests

The Governing Board must ensure that governors are not involved in activities that might conflict with their role within the school. It is especially important to demonstrate that individuals do not benefit personally from the decisions made by the governors unless such decisions are made openly and legitimately. As such the register of interests must be available on the school website.

This document will be updated fully each year and reviewed during the year. It is incumbent upon all governors to make the school aware of any changes during the year. This requirement is met by each governor signing a declaration at the start of every Full Governing Body/Committee meeting throughout each academic year.

QEGSMAT Trustees and Members Register of Interest can be found here

Local Governors Register Of Interest 2023 -2024

Governors Attendance

Archived attendance data can be viewed on this page.

LGB Key Priorities


The LGB work to Key Priority and targets ensuring that their work is driven by the strategic direction of the Academy Improvement Plan (AIP). Monitoring carried out by the Trust Board and LGB ensures that the academy delivers on the AIP.

Evaluation of the priorities and progress against targets is evaluated each year.


The Priorities are:


To offer a broad, balanced and creative curriculum, which enables our young people to achieve the very best outcomes and leave education well prepared for the next steps in their lives.


To deliver high quality teaching , learning  and assessment and effective leadership at all levels.


To support the culture and individuality of each school/academy in the trust, building strong communities in and around them.


To offer a rewarding and stimulating workplace for staff.


To provide a strong secure and financially sustainable environment.