Comic Relief 2022
Student voice from our Head Girl:
The student leadership team put together a bushtucker trial for comic relief which was a huge success!
Eight teachers volunteered for “I am a teacher get me out of here” and had to eat and drink some disgusting food such as critters, brussels sprout sauce, chillies and more! For the final round the teachers, picked by the students, had to race to finish the “sick smoothie”, this included a mixture of ingredients like cold baked beans, marmite, chillies, and a lot more!
The student leadership team and the prefects helped run the event from hosting to collecting the £1 entry money. Some prefects did a smaller fundraiser of guessing how many sweets were in the jar too.
The students that came to watch cheered on the teachers and got involved creating a real buzz about the event!
We managed to raise over £350 for comic relief.
Thanks to all the students who came to watch and the teachers for ‘volunteering’ a great team effort by all involved thank you everyone!