Why should I study A Level Art?

If you enjoy working creatively, if you are good at using a variety of art and design materials

and you enjoy studying other artists’ work, you will do well in this subject.

What will I study in A level Art?

Exploration and experimentation of materials and techniques.  This will include a Personal Investigation into a range of contemporary and historical artists and movements, as well as your own practical work and ideas.  An examination project – as in GCSE.

How will I be assessed?

At AS, work will be assessed through the end of year examination project. This will be launched in February.  At A2, work will be assessed through 60% coursework and 40% examination all within the

second year.  Coursework and the examination projects are internally assessed and externally moderated as in GCSE.

What can it lead to?

Courses in Higher Education: Interior Design, Product Design, Furniture Design, Graphics and Graphic Design, Silversmith: Ceramics, Textiles, Fine Art, Photography, Illustration, Animation, Conservation and Restoration, Fashion Design and Retail, Website and New Media, Television and Film Production, Art History (combines with many other subjects including History and English Literature, Curator, Teaching, Art Therapy, Sculpture, Computer and Game Design, Architecture,


Careers in the Art and Design Industry:

Computer and Game Design, Photography and Photo-Journalism, Advertising, Art

Direction (Film and TV), Textile Design and Interior Design, Fashion Design and Retail, Website Design, Print Design and Production (Newspaper and Magazine), Automotive Design, Industrial Design, Picture Libraries, Visual Merchandising, Jewellery Design, Ceramic Design and Ceramicist, Designer/maker (own business), Fashion Illustration, Set Design, Costume Design, Package Design, Architecture, Landscape Gardening

Is there anything I can do before I start the course?

  • Visit Chellaston Sixth Form Exhibition in the Summer Term
  • Visit Galleries and other college end of year exhibitions
  • Work hard to obtain good results in Art & Design GCSE

Who should I contact?

For further details contact Mrs C Johnson