Course summary
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate (equivalent of one A Level) is focused on the interaction between the theory and implementation and demonstrating ICT skills using a variety of software. If you are interested in the development of ICT systems and how they can benefit both organisations and individuals and how the impact of social media and web development can impact organisations, then this is a fantastic course for you. Topics to be covered include the stages of development in a software system, relational databases, website development and software used for presentations
Is the course suitable for me?
Do you have an interest in working with computers and the latest technology to create exciting and innovative digital material? Do you want an opportunity to be creative and be part of the digital future? If you are interested in understanding the use of social media in business and IT systems whilst learning how to manage IT systems and develop websites, then this course may be for you.
How will I be assessed?
There are four units which make up the qualification.
Unit 1 – Information Technology Systems – 2 Hour External Exam
Information technology (IT) systems have a significant role in the world around us and play a part in almost everything we do. Having a sound understanding of how to effectively select and use appropriate IT systems will benefit you personally and professionally. You will explore the relationships between the hardware and software that form an IT system, and the way that systems work individually and together, as well as the relationship between the user and the system. You will examine issues related to the use of IT systems and the impact that they have on organisations and individuals. This unit will give you a fundamental and synoptic understanding of all areas of IT, supporting your progression to an IT-related higher education course.
Unit 2 – Creating Systems to Manage Information – 10 Hour Controlled Assessment
You will examine the structure of data and its origins, and how an efficient data design follows through to an effective and useful database. You will examine a given scenario and develop an effective design solution to produce a database system. You will then test your solution to ensure that it works correctly. Finally, you will evaluate each stage of the development process and the effectiveness of your database solution. To complete the assessment tasks within this unit, you will need to draw on your learning from across your programme. The skills you gain in this unit support progression to IT-related higher education courses and to employment in a role that requires computing-related expertise.
Unit 3 – Using Social Media in Business – Internal assessment
You will explore different social media websites, the ways in which they can be used and the potential pitfalls when using them for business purposes. You will develop a plan to use social media strategies for business purposes to achieve specific aims and objectives. You will then implement the plan, developing and posting content and interacting with others. Finally, you will collect data on the business use of social media and review the effectiveness of your efforts. Understanding how to use social media for business purposes is useful for employment in information technology and in a variety of business sectors. Also, social media skills are closely linked with web and mobile applications development. This unit gives you a starting point for progression to roles such as social media specialist, content developer and web developer.
Unit 6 – Website Development – Internal assessment
In this unit, you will review existing websites – commenting on their overall design and effectiveness. You will use scripting languages such as Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript® and a simple text editor, or rapid application development tools. Finally, you will reflect on the website design and functionality using a testing and review process. Many software developers, database experts and systems managers need web-client development skills as an integral part of their overall portfolio of expertise. This unit will prepare you for employment as a website developer or as a website development apprenticeship. The unit will benefit you if you want to go on to higher education to develop your studies.
What can this course lead to?
Students who study ICT may go on to university to study the subject at degree level as the qualification carries UCAS points and is recognised by higher education providers and a great route for those wishing to progress to apprenticeships or employment. Due to the practical nature of the course you will develop key industry and practical employability skills such as good problem solving and logical thinking skills which can be applied to many different subject areas.
Along with the Extended Certificate award (One A level equivalent) we will also be offering the National Diploma which is the equivalent to two A levels. You will need to complete 3 optional units and 8 mandatory units. Some of the mandatory units that will be covered are:
Unit 1 – information Technology Systems
Unit 2 – Creating Systems to Manage Information
Unit 3 – Using Social Media in Business
Unit 4 – Programming
Unit 9 – IT Project Management
Unit 11 – Cyber Security and Incident Management
Please note that this ‘double’ course will only run if there is enough interest on top of the ‘single’ course.
When opting please specify whether you are wanting to take the Extended Certificate or the Diploma.
Who can I contact for more information?