We will now be moving to remote learning provision, further guidance and support will be provided daily with any changes. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support throughout this time.

Remote Leaning Plans – Covid Update 14/12/21

Covid levels in our locality and community are on the rise. We have several staff absent from school and the number will not improve until the end of term (mainly due to periods of isolation). Therefore, to help you plan ahead and to keep our students safe whilst onsite, we have taken the decision to reduce numbers onsite for the remaining days of this term.


The following year groups will switch to remote learning on the following days:

Wednesday 15th December: Year 10 will study from home

Thursday 16th December: Year 8 and 9 will study from home

Friday 17th December: Year 8 and 9 will study from home

Monday 20th December: Year 7 will study from home

Tuesday 21st December: Year 10 will study from home

Wednesday 22nd December: Year 12 and 13 will study from home


This is far from ideal and is very much a compromise for all affected. With increasing staff absence, we cannot rule out further year groups studying from home on these days too. However, we do feel well set up for high quality remote learning even with such depleted staffing. Remote tutorials will take place for those studying from home, and lessons will be a mixture of live sessions and independent work – further details will follow this letter. Year 13 mock exams in January are still planned to go ahead. Therefore, we have decided to keep this cohort in school until the end of term.

All year groups will have a live remote form time session with their form tutor every morning from 8.40 a.m. The Teams link will be placed on the Firefly page for their form tutor within the year group area.

Lessons will be set in the Firefly remote learning area for each year group and your child should work through these in the order shown on their timetable. All lessons will start at the same time as their normal timetable. Live Teams remote learning sessions will begin from Friday 15th July. There is no expectation for teachers to be on a Live Teams remote learning lesson for the full duration of the lesson.

Thank you to all those students who have recently returned a loaned laptop. If you require this laptop to access the remote learning provision it can be collected from the main school reception. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please could these be returned to school during the first week back in September, so we are able to perform the essential maintenance

For further guidance and support regarding our remote learning provision please click here.

Just a reminder that the tutorial video below explains how to access remote learning on Firefly if you have forgotten how to do so.

How to access remote learning lessons on firefly