Our Wellbeing Ambassadors at Chellaston Academy are pupils who have shown a real interest in championing positive mental health and wellbeing. These Year 12 pupils are keen to share their learning around mental health and advertise the importance of self-care. The Ambassadors main role is:
- To encourage others to talk and challenge their feelings about mental health.
- Provide feedback on what is working well and highlight any gaps.
- To be involved in assemblies which highlight and promote good mental health and wellbeing.
- Support in creating resources for the Wellbeing room and Wellbeing noticeboards.
- Run wellbeing lunchtime sessions for students in the wellbeing room.
- Provide a student input into national awareness initiatives such as Children’s Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Day.
Our wellbeing ambassadors work closely with one or two Year 7 or 8 students who may well be struggling with their wellbeing. The purpose of the mentor/mentee role is to offer a listening ear. They are not there to judge or to tell the child or young person what to do but to offer suggestions of what it is that they can do to improve their wellbeing. These meetings happen on a weekly basis during form time. On average each ambassador spends six sessions with their mentee.