Dear Parents and Carers,
RE: Reminders for the start of term
I hope that you have had a lovely summer break. We are very excited about welcoming our students back into school next week. Please find included some reminders for the beginning of the new academic year at Chellaston Academy.
Results (A-Level & GCSE)
I am delighted to announce that Chellaston Academy students performed exceptionally well in their GCSE/Level 2 and A Level/Level 3 examinations. For more details, please follow the links to my press releases:
Start of Term
INSET days will be on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd of September.
Year 7 will return on Monday 5th of September and all other Year groups (8-13) on Tuesday 6th of September. On these days, students will spend lesson 1 and lesson 2 with their form tutor.
For all other term dates please see next year’s calendar on the school website.
School Photos
Tempest photography will be photographing students in the first two weeks. The plan is for Years 7, 12 and 13 to have photos done on Tuesday 6th September and Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 on Thursday 15th September.
Pastoral Changes
I am pleased to announce that the pastoral structure of Chellaston Academy has had some changes. The following structure will be in place:
Head of Year / Deputy Head of Year
Year 7: Ben Burton / Stephanie Dennett
Year 8: Danni Dow & Timothy Wagg / Katie Ovenden
Year 9: Dave Shields / Hayley Battrick
Year 10: Ed Moran / Jade Coulson
Year 11: Shelly Haywood / Ben Roome
Year 12: Eleanor Warren
Year 13: Meredith Tivey
In addition, there will be a designated area in school called “student services”. If students have any concerns during the school day, they can access student services. Student Services will be the base for Year 7-11 Heads of Year and Deputy Heads of Year and Pastoral admin.
School Day Timings
There have been changes to the timing of the day at Chellaston Academy, form time will now start at 8.30am. The school day is as follows:
8.30am – 9.00am Registration/Form Time
9.00am – 10.00am Period 1
10.00am – 11.00am Period 2
11.00am – 11.15am Break
11.15am – 12.15pm Period 3
12.15pm – 1.15pm Period 4
1.15pm – 2.00pm Lunch
2.00pm – 3.00pm Period 5
Meal Deals
In September please be aware that the price of the meal deal is increasing from £2.20 to £2.30.
We would like to remind parents and students that we expect all students to be wearing the correct uniform in September. For Years 7 to 11, please refer to our uniform list and the guidance sheet when purchasing uniform. This is particularly important when purchasing trousers, skirts, and footwear. Items sold by some retailers as ‘schoolwear’ do not meet our uniform policy. We have a small amount of preloved uniform available. If you are interested in purchasing any of this uniform for a small donation, please contact us at our normal email address.
Uniform Guidance
Chellaston Academy Uniform from September 2022
Our Sixth Form uniform details can be found via this link:
Yours sincerely

Phil Smith
Proud Executive Headteacher