Languages Intent
In Languages, students will develop their competency in the use of a foreign language which will enable them to communicate with native speakers, both in a peer to peer context, talking about age appropriate activities and interests, and to an adult when seeking information or engaging in activities related to a visit to a country in which the language is spoken.
We want our students to see the value of language learning for their future leisure and career, to broaden their horizons and to be inspired by our multi-lingual teachers and the varied and exciting pathways that our language alumni have taken. We want our students to be life-long language learners who are able to adapt to a changing world of new opportunities and apply the skills they have learnt to new contexts.
As they start their journey, students will develop their comprehension skills in listening and reading to a level where they are able to understand age appropriate notices and longer articles and texts on a range of topics. They will develop a working knowledge of grammatical structures within the language that enables them to write accurately, giving a personal response to a variety of stimuli within the context of the themes that are studied.
Throughout their learning journey, students will have the opportunity to develop their verbal and written communication as well as their listening skills. They will develop their understanding of other cultures in preparation for their progression as an adult into a multi-cultural society and one where opportunities will not be restricted to the country in which they currently reside. They will learn how to solve problems, think ‘out of the box’ and pay attention to detail. The skills they learn will enable them to enter the world beyond the Academy as good citizens and valued employees.
If you require any further information, please contact the Head of Subject via the link on our Contact Us page.