Drama Intent
In Drama students will have developed their ability to communicate well with others, develop positive approaches to group work, collaboration, time management and teamwork whilst also learning the importance of concentration and focus.
Pupils will learn about the key areas of theatre and world history exploring how art is shaped and born out of the context it is created in. They will be exposed to a variety of cultures and contexts throughout their course of study in terms of stimuli, scripts and topics; learning to appreciate the beliefs and values of other countries and time periods underpins KS3 Drama.
Pupils will look at developing their skills in performance within a variety of styles and genres but will always be reminded of the importance of how nonverbal communication and vocal techniques present different characteristics of a person – be it a character of in real life. As performers and creators of theatre they will explore topics that will provoke thought and engagement with the world around them, stimulate debate and allow a safe space to discuss relationships, diversity and moral issues. They will devise their own work using creativity and imagination and will also explore and produce existing playscripts, poems and verbatim extracts from a variety of media.
The study of Drama and participation in practical work will keep pupils active and aims to build their confidence as resilient young people who can be critical and evaluative in their approach to their own work and that of others. Analysis and reflection are key to improvement in the subject. Pupils will learn the specific knowledge required to understand a host of job roles in the creative industries from technical to performance and also explore the importance and influence of film and television to our society. The intent is to teach about the art form whilst ultimately developing key communication and presentation skills needed as employable and innovative young people.
If you require any further information, please contact the Head of Subject via the link on our Contact Us page.